Data science vs machine learning | Pure Coders — Pure coders

Pure Coders
3 min readOct 19, 2020

Data science vs machine learning both is fastly growing in all industries and companies. Companies are now looking for data science experts and machine learning experts for they help to grow companies’ profit and branding.

Data science and machine learning both are connected to each other. Both have their own specific meaning and applications. According to IBM reports in future data science and machine learning jobs are very highly demanding jobs.

Every company is shifting to machine learning. If you choose your future in the Data science and machine learning field both are good choices for you.

Data science uses data as the sole result of three problems by collecting, analyzing, and modeling the data but is it really this simple?

let’s take an example to find out what does the job actually entail we have all experienced this while catching the flight to the airport cab drivers usually cancel their rights and sometimes it takes up to four to five attempts to actually get a cab driver to come to pick you up to answer a large company like uber this becomes a business problem now your job as a data analyst is to figure out why this is happening in order to do that you have to collect data ask the right questions look at the right places.

for example, you can get the data from customer complaints which would serve as an unstructured data and go look for data in the data warehouse which would be a structured data and look for information like the number of requests made for a ride to the airport in the last three months of so how many of those rides were completed trip information flight schedules number of drivers appointed to the route and many other questions then you start to analyze the data compare the ratio of the trips requested to the completion rate to find if there is a disparity

between the supply and demand check if the cab drivers are actually canceling the cab during specific times in the night to avoid the ideal time they have to wait at any airport to get a passenger back to the city since it’s not economical for the cab driver to wait for a couple of hours at the airport for a ride back check the flight schedules are there more number of flights arriving than flights depart shrink this can also have an effect on the demand and supply once you’ve collected and analyzed this data you start by compiling it using statistics in the form of graphs and charts to be presented to the stakeholders even now you’ve only figured out what the problem is and know the solution yet but we hope the simple example gives you a picture of what data

Science is all about data science has application in almost every field from healthcare to retail to finance as well as the entertainment industry and its prox. also include high salaries no wonder it is the most sought-after job of this decade. Read the Full article on our website click here

Originally published at on October 19, 2020.



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